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Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Protests across the globe for women safety, equality and freedom

India: After the heinous crime of gang rape and brutal murder of 8 year old girl named Asifa in Kathua village, Kashmir, an outrage triggered in entire nation. Thousands of people protested across India and demanded quick prosecution of rape suspects. Almost 3 months have passed since the unfortunate incidence, with no major advancement. 

Iran: March 7, 2018, A woman of 32, was sentenced to 2 years in prison on the charge of encouraging people for corruption by removing hijab in public.  Soon after it on March 19, 2018, another Iranian woman got arrested for protesting compulsory hijab and was sentenced to one year in Prison for demanding freedom. So far 29 women have been arrested for involvement in hijab protest. Hijab was not always part of the Iranian culture. On March 7, 1979 a compulsory hijab was imposed on women after declaring Iran as an Islamic state, which was followed by protest. These protesters are being called daughters of Revolution Street.
An excerpt from the book Persepolis

Poland: March 23, 2018:  Women protested and demanded to liberalize abortion. Abortion in Poland is illegal. However, there are three exceptions to it, (a) rape; (b) when there is irreversible damage to the fetus; and (c) if mother’s life is in jeopardy due to pregnancy.

Russia: April 17, 2018, Women protest sexual harassment in the absence of laws against sexual harassment. Hashtag #IAmNotAfraidToSayIt became popular and was shared extensively in Ukraine and Russia. 

Japan: April 6, 2018: A woman mayor protested sexist rules of sumo tradition. According the tradition a woman can not step up to the ring and greet sumo because women are considered as “unclean.”

Women all over the world are standing up for equality and their rights.
P.S. India: March 31, 2018: Muslim women protested anti triple talaq bill. Do they really think it will be better for their own and their daughter's future? What do you think of it?
Images are taken from google. 


  1. Liked the global perspective and the comparison with other countries.

    India has a long way to go!

    1. Thanks CRD. It is weird that we have both type of people, the ones who are extremely modern and the ones who are extremely conservative. But then I guess this is existing everywhere in the world, in different ratio though!

  2. What happened in Kathua is outrageous. I don't like killing people. But in this case I will volunteer to deal with those 8 animals.

    1. Rajan, I think that is the sentiment of almost every sensible person these days. We all want strictest possible punishment for such savages, so that every criminal thinks infinite times before committing such crime!

  3. Women all over the world have it tough. It's sad how they have to fight for basic rights and are victims of violence, abuse, inequality. My heart goes out to that little child... how much she had to endure.
    Have you ever seen a woman wearing Niquab (which covers her entire face) eat or drink in public? I saw these women in Kuwait and I was shocked beyond words. They have to lift the part which covers their nose and mouth, a LITTLE, every time they take a sip or bite. It's soooo weird and awkward!
    I wonder when these atrocities of the mind and body will end for women! Really tired and sick of reading/seeing these every day!

    1. I didn’t know about it Shilpa until you said it today. I searched for them on internet, this is even a shock for me as well. It indeed is sickening.

  4. Globally we find women are having a tough time to live a life of dignity and peace, the current issue of Asifa is heart breaking and as rightly said 3 months passed, there is only protest, Asifa's videos are making only whatsapp round and meanwhile some more cases of rape are emerging everyday in the paper... it will take a long time for these issues to be resolved, meanwhile we don't give up and, do our little bit to continue our work of empowering girl children and women.

    1. That was such a positive thought from you Genevive. Yes we wont give up.

  5. A very good compilation.. Just shows the gravity of the situation we are facing. Are we progressing or regressing? Really sad.

    1. Thanks Pradeep. If each person would ask this question to oneself, the world will definitely progress.


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