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Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Blame him, not her

They were plaguing their daughter-in-law for their miseries. They always said she corrupted their son. She was accused of every misery and pain he had brought to them, when he ill-treated or abused them. None of them understood that he was an equal adult as she was. He was more in command than she was. Never anyone criticized him since he was theirs, and no one took her side since she wasn’t. Why she was more culprit when they invested their youth on him not on her. Like always its someone else’s daughter who was a criminal, not their son.

P.S. Are women to be blamed for everything, even if they haven't done it? They are being blamed for wearing inappropriate clothes, for not following traditional rules of the family, sometimes they are even blamed for laughing loudly and seeking attention. While real flaws in men are ignored and considered to be normal. As they say, you should not complaint, men are like that. It is time to address this issue. Blame him, not her.
Do you know any such stories? Have you held liable for the things you haven't done? Did this post give you new perspective of looking at things? Post your views, if any.

For this year's April A to Z challenge, I will put forward 26 women issues from 26 alphabets. These issues will be inspired by "real-life events" and will highlight social issues and other faced by women.  Some of these issues might be globally prevalent. 

With AtoZ challenge like all- bloggers worldwide, I too pledge to write on each day of April, except on Sundays. 

Drabble is a piece of fiction strictly in 100 words. 


  1. This is happening since time immemorial. People have burdened the women with failings that are hardly ever theirs.
    Couchsurfing : Pros and Cons #AtoZChallenge

  2. This is typical human nature. They always blame the new entrant for changes in their lives.

  3. अगर आप highly educated है, अच्छी नौकरी में है, अपने निर्णय खुद लेने में समर्थ हैं,अपने पैसै खुद manage करना चाहतें हैं, अपने घर में अपनी मदद के लिए नौकर खुद ही रखना चाहते हो तो क्या आसानी से ये सब हो सकता है?घर के पुरुष ही नही ,औरत भी आपकी इस क्षमता को आसानी से मान लेंगे या आपकीइस क्षमता पर आपको घमंडी कहकर सारी लानत आपकी शिक्षा को देंगे जो आपको स्वाभिमानी और स्वतन्त्र बना रही है।

  4. These things may have happened 25 years ago but, I think, not now. Today's woman is more self confident and will not tolerate such abuse.

    1. SG every thing I am writing in these posts is still happening. There are still people fighting with their insecurities and creating ruckus for their spouses.

  5. The drabble is an interesting style; I havent come across it much! I liked your post and will come back to check out more soonest.
    Color Master by Aimee Bender #atozchallenge

    1. I am glad Shalini, thankyou for stopping by. I really loved your book review on Color Master.

  6. Yes I have heard a lot of stories men blaming women - women will be blamed even for not giving birth, despite being the fault of a man, at other times for giving birth to a daughter and not a son..

    1. The state of women in many homes is still ridiculously sad.


Thankyou for your feedback :)

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