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Monday, April 23, 2018

To women with love... #women #womenempowerment

Nothing can make you worthier
than the belief that you are.
No one can put you down
if you fearlessly hold your crown.
No one will embrace your imperfections
until you proudly do.
Remember no one is born perfect
it’s subjective, to be true.
The choice to be respected, seen, and loved,
And embracing the honor
to be a woman of all above
is only onto you...
Thousands of women are told daily that they are useless, worthless, and not good enough. They go through a tough time to prove their worth for equal rights, equal wage and equal respect. Women should always tell themselves:
"It's all right for a woman to be, above all, human. I am a woman first of all."- Anais Nin


  1. Beautiful. Women should not feel they are useless, worthless, and not good enough. God made all of us including women. He does not make crap.

  2. Yes we need to be our own cheerleader. And never let others bring us down. Wonderful thoughts Shesha.

    1. Thank you Raj, I just loved your blog about 'being your own cheerleader'. It is so inspiring. :)

  3. Wow that was lovely post dear:) its time women reclaim their power and believe in the beauty of their dreams. Women need to learn to appreciate and love themselves unconditionally.

    1. Thankyou Genevive, yes as women, we all need to learn to appreciate and love ourselves. <3

  4. True that. Like they say you have to set the standards for how you will be treated. People will treat you the exact way you treat yourself. So be good to yourself!

  5. I am glad people's perception about women are changing, and changing quite fast; and all for the better.

    1. True Pradeep, in many places it is changing fast and for better.


Thankyou for your feedback :)

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