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Monday, April 30, 2018

Y-chromosome is depleting, will men become endangered or extinct in future?

One of my scientist friends, who is researching on cancer in Israel, told me about this gradual depletion of Y-chromosome from living organisms. Y-Chromosomes, that are responsible for male production, are passed on to one generation of male to next, while women don’t need one. The idea of depletion itself sounds horrific, because men and women both are responsible for the human continuum. Unlike other chromosomes, which exist in two copies, Y exists in a single copy. Studies suggest that genes in Y-chromosome degrade subsequently and are lost eventually from genome.
In humans depletion of Y-chromosome will take place in few million years. However, before that genetic engineering may advance to the point that it may enable female (same sex) couples or infertile males to conceive.  

What if men will not be there? One would say that all bad things associated with men will also end. But on the other hand, all good things associated with men will end too. From a broader perspective, a human, irrespective of the gender, has both the characteristics, good and evil. While women issues can be linked with male dominance, they cannot be linked with male existence. 

If we talk about male extinction from a social perspective, rather than scientific one, what could be the repercussions? After gradual depletion of Y-chromosomes, world will witness high female to male ratio. If men will be in minority, women will be more secure from male atrocities than ever. But if human nature of wickedness persists in the one who dominates, there would be a rapid rise in men-issues. 

Did you know about degeneration of Y-chromosome before? How did it make you feel? Do you have any views on the same? 


  1. Yes, I have been reading about it. I see it as a stage in the continuing process of evolution. What we see today, isn't what was many years ago. Similarly, what will be many years later, too will not be the same as it is today. We really don't know what is in store in the ages to come.

    1. Very true Pradeep. Perhaps in million years humans wont look like how they look now. Evolution is a continuous process.

  2. Me and science do not mix. I did not understand anything I read in your blog post. All I understood was number of men will decrease in this world. I hope this does not happen. If this happens, the dowry problem will get worse.

    1. SG I removed some information that may confuse other readers as well. If you like, I can simplify it here on how Y-chromosomes are depleting.
      Anyway some studies suggest that men may be endangered over the period of some million years. However, we don't know what is going to happen to this earth before that.
      You are right, if this happens, dowry demand will increase for some time. But in long run, male atrocities may drastically go down as well.

  3. That's interesting... I wasnt aware of this scenario. Will read up more on this. Thanks for the insights. Shesha :)

    1. You are welcome Shilpa, it is extremely interesting topic. In the link I have provided, there is a mention of one of the specie that has lost its y-chromosome and a male gene in it, but its still continuing the process of producing further.

  4. I have not heard of any such thing, thank you for enlightening me about this Y chromosomes depleting... I am only aware of the male female ration..

    1. I was so curious after knowing about it, its interesting how our genetics keep on changing.


Thankyou for your feedback :)

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