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Friday, April 3, 2015

Five Ethics to follow before uploading a Profile Picture on Social Media

We all want to post awesome pictures of ourselves, possibly the best ones and flaunt a little bit of whatever narcissism we have and desire to fetch worthy comments on them too. At the same time we want to sustain cordial relations with our friends and don't wish to upset them with our careless uploads.
Seeing people changing their display pictures on daily/weekly/monthly basis on social networking sites, I have noticed five annoying things that some of us do. Taking note of these careless hideous acts, I have come up with five commandments we all should follow before putting up our next display picture on social media! 

Next time do keep these things in mind before putting up your display picture on Facebook or any other social media site:

1. No Half Cut Faces of Friends
Never crop your photo in a way that you come in the center while your other friends come in your photograph with half of their faces chopped off! Of course you would not like to see the similar thing happening to you in their display picture. It kills the visual appeal of the photo and annoys the one who has been cut half! Either crop their full face or retain their face. In the era of digital photographs, one doesn't need to worry about their limited camera roll, one can get another solo picture or better photograph sometime else.

2. No De-Colorizing the Faces of Friends

Frankly, this is one of the worst effects I have seen of late. Just imagine, in a group photograph your friend retains the color on his face, while put everyone else in black and white including you. Neither s/he will look hot and happening nor other friends tagged will approve of it.ed in that photograph!
Not sure if this effect is still in vogue!

3. No Bad Photographs of the Known

You put best photograph of yourself and ignore how others are looking in your display picture. Always pay heed that your friends are looking happy and good and you don't angry them by putting their bad photos online. Also check in your photograph no one is actually picking up his/her nose, scratching his butt, or is victim of wardrobe malfunction. (Unless you want to play a prank on them and they accept such jokes.)

4. Share Credits
With so many DSLR professionals/amateurs around, many people want to show off their talents and creativity. I have seen after clicking a very lovely photograph of their friends, some people ask for a courtesy credits on their time line or in their comment section. Many non-thankful non humble souls respond to them in comment section with "Yes yes Ty" or else ignore them!
Why not say a simple nice courteous thank you in picture credits and motivate them to click you again, may be even better next time! After all they wasted their creativity and one minute to 5 of their lives in clicking you.

5. No Bathroom Selfies
It disturbs me a lot. I don't know if that is a problem in my head or with majority of other people too, but bathroom selfies look really uncool. We all know most of us have good bathrooms to show off and good bodies too. Why not wait for the right click in the gym or a beach rather than putting up display pictures directly uploaded from bathrooms. I remember one of my friends embarrassed once, asked me to confirm if the lady who had uploaded her selfie on his timeline with a weird expression was actually sitting on her commode with a little of her butt skin in her picture.
I then realized Facebook witnesses constipation boredom as well at times. That was embarrassing for me as well!

Do you agree with the Above? Are there some more pointers you feel people should follow before putting up their display picture on Social Media? 

P.S. These days #MyChoice is taking a priority in people's life, I am not sure if this is the right time for me to publish such a post!
Peace!!! :)


  1. Nowadays, people do things over the top to look cool. It's a well thought post that I sure will give a cue to so many and let's be considerate, chucking the I from Ego. It's not all about one person and let's make each other look beautfiful:)

  2. I agree with all the five points you stated; its embarrassing when you have pics uploaded, like the one mentioned in your post.. thanks for sharing

  3. seriously! half cut faces are dam irritating. One of my relatives posted her wedding pic with the entire focus on her and a half cut face of her groom! that was sick! hahaha

    1. Omg lol. That was a risky stunt. I somewhere feel those sort of people don't value others above them.

    2. damn irritating*

      sorry typo :P

    3. true, such things reflect a self-obsessed person that my cousin, sadly, is :P

    4. Ya I got that Typo. :)
      Your cousin is a lucky person that her husband didn't mind his face half chopped and have let her keep it. :)

    5. Ya I got that Typo. :)
      Your cousin is a lucky person that her husband didn't mind his face half chopped and have let her keep it. :)

  4. I hate No. 3 the mostest! A close friend would ALWAYS share unflattering pics of everybody. And she is very photogenic and looks great in EVERY shot! At all our get-togethers we would hound her to not share any weird pics but she wouldnt listen. Then we started untagging ourselves and later just refused to pose with her. :D

    1. Hehehe. I am lucky in that sense I ask my friends to put my bad PIC down and they do so. While I do untag myself from black and white and other sort of photographs :D

  5. Valid points. Well expressed, Shesha :)

  6. Hahahaha very interesting and true! Fortunately, none of my friends cut me out or put me in B/W.

    1. Lucky you are :D I am glad you enjoyed the post :)

  7. I am so sharing this post with my friends. Few of them do have these annoying habits, half cropping others or putting a pic where others are looking bad! It annoys me so much!! Loved this post Shesha :) Feels good to be reading your blog again after so much time :)

    Double Jeopardy

    1. Ditto Swathi. I am so glad you enjoyed the post. :)

  8. hahahaha bathroom pics... thankfully my friends are sensible enough, enjoyed reading.

    1. You are sooo lucky. Though O haven't seen much of it on my timeline either but yes I have seen my friends tagged or people not ready to take down bad pics of others.

  9. Ha ha was really funny. Got me my morning laughter. Yet all are valid points. Keep up Shesh. :)

    1. Haha Namtra Bathroom selfies are the worst.... I am glad you had a good time here :)

  10. I'm guilty of putting up my best pics ignoring how other's look in I know it looks bad! :-P great tips!

    1. Ah! yes sometimes while putting up the profile pictures from the lot of group pics we focus on ourselves the most. This happens quite a lot. I am glad you found these tips useful :)

  11. All valid points. I would say don't tag your friends before you get approval from them - some are too shy to see their pic on social media, especially when they are too concerned about their looks!

    1. I totally agree with you Alok. Some people do not want to be tagged sometimes for the sake of privacy.

  12. Haha..this is really good...i really don't like bathroom pics...i fail to understand why and what some ppl want to


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