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Friday, October 14, 2011

On the day of our marriage...

When I was coming to thee
You were holding a mirror in your hands
And looking at me
We thought we were alike
Blinded by the mirror and it's pretentious side
There was no exchange of thoughts
Hence no progress was ever sought
Whenever we truely met
Planted strange fears
in each other's heads

On the day of our marriage
I came to give us one last chance
yet the memories from past
began their haunted dance
the realization was stark,
it had never been this strong
choking emptiness now reduced to tears,
residing in depths for long

you came to me with that thing
to put on my finger
t'was the golden ring

I heard a triumphant cry
of a soul that only sighed
till now, wept in silence
released from cluthces of lie

And so I withdrew my hand
since we were not meant
to be, I knew
Together in our blues

so when you came forward for a kiss
I planted one on your cheek
for it was a goodbye that I wished...


  1. Nicely framed Seshai!

  2. ThanQ so much Mayank.. But it lacks somewhere! I felt. I will try to bridge that gap!

  3. commitment is a bad word, only two peacefully alone persons can come together for marriage.......marriage is for experienced people, and it is not an institution, not a prison, it is a communion in love, when love is not directed toward a person, it has grown too much that you need to share, and you share with some one who is wise, not of the intellect, but of the heart...who can understand.....

    just a re-iteration...
    love your blog.......
    it is one of the most lively blogs that i have ever seen...

    waiting for the next one


  4. ThanQ so much Prit for sucha warm compliment!
    I totally agree with you, its beyond just being an institution, when you really and deeply want to make a commitment, a promise for a lifetime. A sacred knot between the two people! :)

  5. There's obviously en element of mourning in this, whether it be grief over what was desired with this person or grief over the loss of what you could've been had you not stayed as long as you did. All the same, a very evocative poem.

  6. Nicely expressed with tints of emotion. Well written!

  7. Thanx Roch for ur reviews and suggestions on this one! :D

    GEetS Thanks A tonn

  8. is this a true story..?
    if yes how two past lovers can see each other on marriage day.. seems like amovie scene..

  9. Hi, Aankit: Its a fiction... the female protagonist is contemplating back on how things didn't work out with the man she was about to get married, which she realized on the day of her marriage!


Thankyou for your feedback :)

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