1. If you are tired of swinging back and forth from government offices, taking time out from your 9-5 job, for getting your basic work done.
2. If you crib that nothing can be done and system will never change! ( a system will change someday, unless you are a pessimist)
3. The person initiating the cause can be trusted more than any political party in elections for which u vote every 5 years! His past records are clean. No corruption, an army man who fought for India, for his country and is still fighting for it!
4. If you are not scared of fighting. We never give exams to fail, fail or pass comes later! (People thinking :" How can we say adding another layer to the already existing system could be a solution? People in Jana Lokpal could be corrupt." We can’t stop working for our daily bread with the fear we won’t get it)
5. If you can’t stand in elections, can’t give speeches and can’t make a difference, just be with the masses and play the gamble!
6. If you think cause is right but method is wrong : Stand up for the cause!
The ones who think fasting onto death is an offense, there are more severe offenses than that. There is a vast difference between making you suffer for the sake of others’ lives and creating situations for others to die. And hence there is still a big difference between Anna and government respectively. One question raised by a friend on facebook (Megha) “Eat to death or fast to death, what would you prefer?
7. If you are not amongst those who who have a smooth life and have money, corruption/no corruption doesn’t make any difference. Why to bother! I don’t care attitude!
8. If you are tired of watching scam stories on news channels, uncovering one after other biggest corruption scams today, seeing the tax you have paid for benefit of your nation and society being stashed away in foreign banks.
9. If you compare India with US and UK and constantly complain about life here.
10. If you care about the common man more than the party you support!
P.S. Dont think if you are not fasting or not physically present there you fail to support, a mere status update, blog update shows the support! A recent example of Ram Janmabhoomi, Ayodhya case when so many people registered their views on facebook, blog, twitter were acknowledged in news and newspaper. Time has changed and so the electronic media is also used for sampling, interviewing and researches! Think well!
point made Seesha...every step counts...every voice that is raised indicates that he nation has finally woken up from its deep slumber..and it is indeed up to you to make a difference
ReplyDeleteRightly said and you should try and make a difference in every possible way!
ReplyDeleteIndia's no.1 blog : Yep! I really feel wonderful to see that the whole nation is standing togeather as one voice.. Starting from a mere Rs 80 Lakh to 65 crores of Bofors to an estimated 1.7 Lac Crore 2G spectrum scam, the scam trend has grown exponentially. A few years imprisonment, some penalties, but the amount lost never returned!
ReplyDeleteWe can hope, this will bring the current vogue at a halt! not if forever, but atleast for some time!!!
Saru Singhal: Indeed :)
All effort wasted....lalu n amar singh in standing committee, m sure they would do some changes and present a partial bill in parliament.
ReplyDeletefeel like killing these ministers. dirty politics. If I can understand this, I dont think team anna is stupid that they dont know this.
any ways different people different views. And they did what gandhi did, fight but we will not die. That gandhi killed our nation. Anna Fanna cannot do any thing, we need some one like bhagat singh than only we can actually say that yes we have started war against corruption.
arey jab itna dar tha marney ka, to anshan par bethey hi kyun..itni badi badi batey kari hi kyun...
ye latoo key bhoot hai...batoo sey nahin manengey.
you write very very well...should promote your blog via Facebook share to get variety of opinion on your thoughts.
Prit here, don't wana waste time login in ..so posting anonymously...
ReplyDeletewell, the more things change the more they remain the same...
I just saw, a scanned image from a swiss magazine, 1991 issue, featuring, top world politicians holding swiss accounts, at that time, well i could have assumed that, and that doesn't surprise me, well i feel no difference can be made, it has so become our nature, people would blabber about the superiority of a crap insurance policy to a little worth customer, just to survive in the market, and the poor guy loses his money, and doesn't get what he invested....
it is greed, and i feel, if we ever feel like challenging such practises, like corruption, which have become so rigid, we should start at more fundamental levels, because it is small things, that are precursor to such big things..
if nations of the world are investing so much into war, and it is the necessity of the states to be together, and the outer war rarely does anything bad....but it is a war for life, for a little food, forget love and everything...
it is exploitation, when system works against the very fundamental being it was made to serve, the people, ever so gullible, played upon by a hoax........every now and then...
I can't traverse whole of India, like gandhi, sit on fasts like anna, i don't even have the slightest wish to....its for people to realize.....
I just pray........
ReplyDeletethe following to be read with prev comment
oooooo.....i just forgot to mention that the swiss magazine featured Rajiv Gandhi, holding 13200 crore indian rupees at that time....
First of all Very sorry for late reply!
ReplyDeleteNot worth: No efforts are wasted. Atleast there was a mass movement! I don't think that corrupt ministers like Lalu and Amar singh would be included in standing committe! They don't possess any goodwill. It should contain some judges and some genuine people from politics.
You see, here in India, there is still no Gundaraj, so that public pleading and mass movement should go totally unnoticed. However i feel things will take much time to change. Also people in power will try to manipulate, but still Lalu Chara prasad Yadav doesn't have the power of attorney in Indian politics. :)
Also that time, during Indian freedom movement, we needed both kind of people, so that janta, in long run should know that things can be done without killng anyone! Also mytyrs like Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev, rajguru etc. played an important role, by their acts to make it a success. That time conditions were really bad, and it was need of an hour.
Right now things are not so worse and everything is in control. Just a simple thing needs to be reminded that people are aware of what power hungry Dogs are doing. Also, if nothing concrete follows up, then the party should be removed from power. (still no one knows whom to elect)
ThanQ for appreciating my writings and expression. :) Would love to know how people think, that is the only reason i write i guess. :)
ReplyDeletePeople have formed this habit of following the legacy. Even after declaring our nation, the democratic one, we still vote the Gandhi family, because it has the name of Gandhi Behind it. People still need kings and queens to look upon! Even after exploiting and eating nation for years, we still trust them to rule as a power.
Sonia G had no goodwill, no past records, just a name "GANDHI" behind her, and that's why nation voted for her. I still know many people, as Loyal as any pet, for their political party closing eyes for the negatives against it, and ready to vote for them in every election till death.
Thanx so much for sharing the Rajiv Gandhi's "then" bank account details. These guys must be feeling bad that even after having so much money, they can't ride the most luxurious cars of the world here! Poor Souls!!!
prit here:
ReplyDeleteThanks to you, for thanking me, ooook, haha....much of praise and mutual admiration....
I was seeing this video on youtube, horrible depiction of NEHRU, that tells how nehru got to be the first prime minister, Yeah, n poor gandhi must be wailing in the heavens, that he has not flirted with edwina mountbatten, when not even an ounce of the thing he imagined about india has been achieved, gandhi, must be looking for edwina's soul in heaven, for there is scope of it parting there from nehru, JUST SEARCH "jawaharlal nehru exposed" in youtube, and it tells of the series of events that led to his getting to the helm of things, and the great blackmailing, and how he put all the effort of the man in dhoti to just a futile thing......
it says the decision over pmship was taken that out of two - PATEL n NEHRu who gets max votes in cong will head the nation, PATEL got 14 of 15, obvious would-be PM then, Nehru got to Gandhi, threatening to break congress apart, and putting forth gandhi the alarming concern of britishers not leaving india in the event of a divided congress, when britishers would shirk leaving india as decided on the pretext, that they don't see an able succession of government in divided congress, then gandhi wrote letter to PATEL, pleading him to step back from PMship and let nehru be IT....
that is how I assume popular Jai prakash narayan movement against congress in 1976, which was even popular than anna movement today, could be answered, where he charged Indira gandhi as the leader of a corrupt govt, and herself so much corrupt....
She doesn't even bother to learn hindi, i mean how could she possibly understand india and indians, i am not a hardliner, not a politician, by any measure, not even a purist, proclaiming higher than real things, but that is a very fundamental thing to learn the language of the land, ........we all just pray or just say WTF....aaaaahhh.hey..shesha this was in the speech of the video featured at youtube, where the politico vishwa bandu, says smthing about Pronnab mokhorjee, you know where he literally says, abt PRONAB- NA SIRF WO HINJADA HAI, WO JHOOTHA BHI HAI, and with that, so much of profanity among other things, but his main focus was corruption, he says india's nearly, 70 lac crores is outside india as black money, by some estimates, it is 15 lac crore, well reading a lot ot stuff like this, i assume it would well be in lac crores nearing GDP of india, that's like ONE INDIA IN MONEY TERMS OUTSIDE india,
now difference in economies is explaining, why are we always railing behind china, at 6 trillion dollars and india at around 1.8 trillion, we could have been close to that also.....
Poor gandhi, pOOr us....
And yeah they cant drive in luxuries, and rahul gandhi can't keep a girlfriend, and and and.........haha......kya hoga india ka...????
And about luxurious cars.....the first thing that comes to mind is Osho....and his 52 rolls royce....a lot of wrong is said and perpetuated, but he was gud, i mean in that he was not a hypocrite, he had 52 rolls royce, all gifted, he established a city in USA, he had many girlfriends.......
ReplyDeleteAnd my favorite part, he was a great writer....you know he started his own magazine, all copies hand written, with all articles written under a pseudonym, done with reading all books at a local library, he had some 1,00,000 books in his personal library.....
that was just to bring forth some un-hypocritical thing to mind...
n btw just a question, do you believe that ravi shankar, is a realised person, or he is not wearing a facade of being knowledgeable...blah blah.......give your take.....
read it
25 members, out of which 20 are known for corruption.
senseless cases against team anna.
dont people knew about corruption in india before anna hazare started his fast? yes they do. and now anna hazare shouting from his village...abhi ladai baki hai...
arey kya baki hai....pehley bhag gaya, abb kya ladega....
:) Lalu do have the power of attorney in Indian politics. The thing is he is supporting congress, it means he will get what he want. Look at Jayalalithaa, she got trillions of dollar for railways. People know this, but no body is willing to do any thing.
She-hila dick-shit, so many scams, but still...
Name a single minister who you think is not corrupt. and then google for "minister name + corruption" :)
And indian freedom movement started when bhagat singh came into picture. then only the youth of nation realized the importance of freedom. gandhi was, is and will remain an ass.
Things are not so worse...that is the point. just look around. no offense but I think you were born with golden spoon.
And thats not one india in money outside india..infact 100's on india in money outside india.
ReplyDelete@ not worth - if you are saying this to me...do you have ground to say this, that there are hundreds of indias outside india......bud, well you are over-sensitized on this, go get some tranquilizers....
a lot of profanity you are commiting on shesha's blog dear, that is not even hideous, well i don't think that is palatable to her, ....mmm...
and please substantiate your claims with data, yar we are here trying to acknowledge the quantum, and you are making the problem more abstract, by bringing in this emotional stuff, be realistic, dear...
Well you didn't get the point. Please understand my point what I was trying to say before reacting...
ReplyDeleteAnd I know that my previous post will eventually get deleted.
and you need a proof. even you don't have a proof of what you said.
anyways, have a nice day.
Prit here:
ReplyDelete@not worth
well you see the unofficial statements of corporate body chief, NCRB money laundering xpert pegs it at 15 lac crores, and pronab mukhorjee said it is b/w 460Bn to 1.4 Tn dollar( some say it would have been 9 trillion without corruption, India is actually 2 trillion dollar economy now), now that is huge, so all I am trying to say that is first we need to understand the problem and its enormity, only then can an impulse to fight against it can arouse.....
there are many people who go on chanting anna ki jai ho, lokpal bill pass karo, without even knowing anything about lokpal bill and what it would do....
and about the thing you said about Bhagat singh and gandhi, i believe that kind of profanity...always connotes some undone things, perversity, ......well you can do that i don't mind....
gandhi was gud, in that, he knew that sensitivity binds all indians, he banked on the people sensitivities, that was the only way to arouse them and unite them to work toward independence, ......or in a way you can say that..he exploited...
but bhagat singh even, did something marvellous, even some one today won't take a slap in good humor and present his face again for it, that was gandhi's trick,....but bhagat singh showed that we were not impotent people....
but we certainly are fools, the thing is democracy is medio-cracy, some very corrupt person will come and on the face of it, he acts like he is your servant, when he comes for the votes, and thus when gets the position(that was given to him to serve) to pilferage in to the resources of hundreds of thousands of people, divert them to swiss accounts. Its like trading for small gains people cast their votes, that costs them dear, well why don't we try capitalism, well it surely is now, in india, just under the garb of demorcacy, you want to do some good, thousands of people would assume it their democratic right to stop him/her,.....
democracy is medio-cracy...
We all should take a step only then can a difference be felt.
ReplyDeleteCupid Speaks