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Monday, April 2, 2018

Abuse: the tale of an independent woman

She was extremely beautiful, said he. She was more qualified, whispered her achievements. She earned more, mumbled her paycheck. Post their wedding, marred by complexes, he asked her to leave her job to take care of their family. She was disheartened but still agreed with him on his decision. Soon she was tortured and beaten, she was called names and was introduced among friends as a bucolic, uneducated, good for nothing home-maker. She was constantly ripped off of her dignity. She was punished for being a woman who once did better than her egomaniac man.  

मेरी पढाई भी उतनी,
औहदा भी उतना,
इज़्ज़त भी उतनी,
तनख्वा भी उतनी,
तुम्हारा बड़ा है
तो अहंकार,
और छोटी है
तो तुम्हारी सोच.
Translation: My education is same,
so is my designation,
my respect is same,
so is my remuneration
what you have big is
your ego,
and have small is
your thinking…

P.S.: The right to get respected has no connection with education and remuneration. Even a less qualified and less earning person has an equal right to be respected with equal dignity (men and women alike). In many homes, independent women face the wrath of their men and submit themselves to their male-ego and inferiority complexes.
Abuse of any kind is not normal, raise your voice against it. 
Do you know any such stories? How can we fight with this issue? What can be done if we know such a man and such a woman? 

For this year's April A to Z challenge, I will put forward 26 women issues from 26 alphabets. These issues will be inspired by "real-life events" and will highlight social issues and other faced by women.  S
ome of these issues might be globally prevalent. 

In #atozchallenge, which happens every year in the month of April, bloggers world wide challenge themselves to write on each day of April except on Sundays.

Drabble is a piece of fiction strictly in 100 words.  


  1. It was a good read. Nice start!

  2. Line that touched my heart : Bada h toh tumhara ahnkar and choti h tumhari soch....well said..

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Ah! This is the plight of so many women. Loved your expression in Hindi. And good to see you writing and participating for this challenge, Shesha!
    Couchsurfing : Pros and Cons #AtoZChallenge

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  6. Very well said shesha...society is like this and when now we try to change it, they pull us back..but we will be working even harder to rise n fly..

  7. Never abuse any one. Everyone is deserved to be respected.

  8. My education is same,
    so is my designation,
    my respect is same,
    so is my remuneration
    what you have big is
    your ego,
    and have small is
    your thinking…its more lyk comparitive analysis of male n female which ppl often do......Both r incomplete wdout each other....

    1. Yes, I agree with you. Its yin and yang, or in Indian concept Ardhanareshwar. Men and women complete and balance each other. But in this poem its a way of telling abuser no one is more, or less but why abuser abuses is for his big ego and small thinking that he gets into the act of abusing. This poem is not targeting normal men, happy men, worth respecting men...

  9. This is very common issue women face, some times even very educated women holding high positions go through humiliations and all forms of abuse. theystay in the marriage for the sake of kids, they get used to abusive husbands who are sometimes addicted to alcohol and are very violent too. Many do not even talk about it... and become depressed and suffer.

    1. I have known many cases like these and abusing a woman makes no sense to me. A person hitting someone else who is physically weaker than him for some or no reason doesnt really make any sense. If women could hit back harder, they have never dared to hit them in the first place.

  10. Aww this is so gut wrenching Shesha and yes its such a common issue that crops up in most married households; even the most educated ones living in the Urban cities!

    1. Thanks Shalini, you are right. We think we have progressed, but for many homes, world is still the same as it was decades before!

  11. True for so many women.
    When will we have true equality?


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