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Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Pondering- Why I have created this blog?

I do not know exactly the reason behind creating this blog. At present there is not much that I want to say. Though I need a place and a way to express myself and infinite emotions of high and low tides taking place inside me. I have been hearing from people about marking their space on internet by creating blogs. I thought of creating it too to flaunt my social wisdom.
It is pretty cool to have a space that is purely mine, a diary that can never be misplaced, where I can collect and write anything I want. And get feedback too in form of comments. Hearing the word comment right now seems weird- as in real world we are used to compliments. Though good or bad response will ensure that I am being heard. May be with some good discussions we will end up in realizing or knowing something meaningful that can make a difference (hope for good) to somebody.
If that doesn't happen, who cares! At the end of the day it is making me indulge in something new.

Its a diary for me, and its a message or my beliefs for you. There are so many issues, that need to be paid heed to. And there are so many things that can make better me and better you..
Oh my gosh! This all is rhyming!! I like it-and you have to love it too!! :D
Signing off with this note- c ya soon until something nice strikes my head, or shakes my soul...
Happy Blogging! ;)


  1. and there are a lot of those people who are aping you and coming out with something useful. You have been a true inspiration for all those indians

  2. its good to read something from your blog every day, and leave a comment shesha..

    well i think we don't need to better ourselves, but an urgent expression and relating to others. its gud to know that people think about what you say...and they bother to drop in at your blog...and leave a comment...that create a sense of relation....

    nice keep blogging....

    please acknowledge this..coz, i have not been getting time to blog..but i am taking time to comment on your blog...haha.....but the real thing i really like your blog, shesha...

  3. Thanks Sugat. :P
    I personally feel a lil bit of introspection helps in improving ourselves..
    ThanQ for liking my amateur writings.:)


Thankyou for your feedback :)

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