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Monday, April 28, 2014

XOXO- Brothers do not mind hugs but hate kisses!

Do you have a younger brother or do you have an elder sister? If yes, do all brother hate being hugged or kissed by their elder sisters? I have seen elder brothers don’t mind a peck or two at them by their younger siblings. But usually a brother who is younger, hates being kissed! Many of my friends said this is true in their homes. Random hugs and kisses annoy the little brothers! For us girls, well mostly, expression of love through Xs and Os i.e. hugs and kisses are important. I was wondering why younger bunch from mars hate it!
My younger brother hates being kissed. He doesnt mind long hugs, but dare we kiss him- he repels! His reflexes to our pecks have become strong. It might be because men hate being treated like a child, they want to be looked upon as a stronger shoulder, an independent identity. While we women love to express our love physically, men express theirs by caring for us. So while an elder brother doesn’t mind being kissed, younger ones do mind it.
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I have known instances where girls dating a younger guy faced a strong retaliation and mis-judged their care with interferance. They wanted to be looked upon as stronger and reliable. On the other hand elder male partners didn’t mind depending too much emtionally on their female counterparts. Most of them appreciated being taken care of. May be they knew at the end of the day they own the throne!

X is for XOXO- Brothers hate kisses on April 28
A to Z Challenge
P.S. I am not generalizing and this post is purely based on the experiences around me. If there is an exception to this post, please do share it! 

P.P.S. Time for celebrations- finally I have reached my 200th post! Wuhoooooooo!!!! :D I dedicate this one to my brother- love him a lot-xoxo! **DevilGrin!!!**


  1. I have two younger brothers and agree with you :) My daughter is elder to my son and he hates being kissed too.

    1. Hehe! Long back I saw this in a television series too!!! Younger brother hating kisses from his sister :))

  2. True that! I don't have sisters but when cousins kiss me, I hate it..even now, the whole idea of someone kissing me on the cheek make me develop cold shoulders..hehe but depends on people..dunt thk got to do with men being agressive:)

    1. hahahaha thanks vishal for sharing your story here! My cousins are safe~ they just get hugs!
      BTW I dint say arrogance but there is a certain kind of strength boys want to exhibit- they hate to be seen as younger lots and that sort of pampering I feel!

  3.'s true. As a cousin bro of mine grew older, I saw him struggle out of his mother's arms to escape a peck.

    1. Hehehe Natasha tell him there are many like him... :))

  4. So far my son still welcomes his sister's goodnight hugs and kisses. It simply isn't bedtime without sharing the love around. He is 8, and she is 13. ♥

    1. Kathy Touchwood! But wait till he turns 13 and she turns 18! Though I wish things don't change but I guess it all comes during teenage!

  5. This made me smile. Dont have brothers, so don't know about that! But my son when he was a kid, hated being kissed. He would instantly wipe the cheek or forehead with the back of his hand! Thankfully he doesn't do that now :D
    Congratulations for your 200th post! Cool achievement :)

  6. Congrats for your 200th post and I too hate being kissed by my sisters.
    X for Xylographer

    1. Thankyou so much! Hehehe! All sisters love to show their love and brothers hate it :)) :P

  7. Congratulations for the 200th post! I have a younger brother, 11 years younger to me. We live in different cities and whenever we meet I do greet him with a hug and kiss, he doesn't mind it. But I wonder if I would be doing that sort of thing if we were living in the same home. Or if at all I did that how would he be responding to that regular behaviour. Should ask him :) Interesting post :)

    1. Thankyou so much Beloo! Hahaha Please do ask him! I am curious! :))

  8. congrats on 200! btw yeah my kid bro hates kisses but loves hugging! :) I should check if it the reverse case with his gf!

    ~S(t)ri Writes

    1. Thanks Sri! Frankly I think it has to do with sisters! No body would mind a kiss from a gf! :))

  9. hahaha My brother hates to be pecked on cheek... it's like a life threatening situation for him :P
    congratz on 200th post

    1. hahahaha Raj Same here... all my cousins and friends know my brother's expressions to my kisses! :))

  10. I used to kiss my younger brother ALL THE TIME)))!!!


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