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Monday, September 23, 2013

Being Atheist!

A Random thought on what will happen when a few civilizations will emerge a century after Doomsday and they will find something during excavations!

Click on the image to Enlarge it.

P.S.  Author believes in God and doesn't intend to offend anyone's beliefs. Though she is against the wars happening between religions. Religions are the teachings that can only guide us to follow a righteous path and hence should not be the subject of superiority or to suppress any gender/caste/creed's right of living.


  1. Awwww.. This is too good! Author, it reminds me of our yesterday's discussion around God!

  2. P.P.S. It's okay to be an atheist now ... one is under no obligation to feel sorry about 'offending' the silly beliefs of the believers.

    All smart people in fact have been atheists for a while now ... like two centuries or more.

    I could list out a few Nobel Laureate scientists and so on but basically that won't be persuasive if a person is not a skeptical sort ...

    1. Sachi- I dont find believer or non believer silly. Being Judgemental is what I find silly as we can not decide about people's beliefs and how they should feel. Since I do believe in God and have experienced some of the things that one can not experience or feel, I still do not judge non believers and I am very much fine when they say they dont feel things like I do!
      P.S. This was just a humor and not targeted to any special audience (believer or atheist).

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. If a person can correctly decide which of- being atheist/believer should each person on earth be, then that person is a self proclaimed God. And hence the contradiction since an atheist can't be God by definition and a believer can not think himself to be God, and as for the case of agnostics,they haven't decided. Hence the Uncertainty principle is proved- one can not be judgmental and intelligent simultaneously with certainty.

  3. Hey Nice!!! All Hail LOTR, it's already a religion :D
    I ditto your thoughts on being judgemental

    1. Thankyou! Yes I guess both of them are already a religion among different age groups!! :D

    2. LOL...interesting thought...
      religion is faith...and our mind is so powerful that faith can do wonders, good or bad....

    3. So True Subhrashis! Thankyou for appreciating the thought :)


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